Report from Attendance Committee (2010 – 2012)
Co-Chairs: Lili Tsang & Beatrice Wen
The attendance committee is happy to report that attendance record for our members in the past biennium is very good. Taking into consideration that four members are absentee members as a result of their either being sent overseas to work temporarily or that our business meetings schedule clashed with their work schedule consistently, and taking into account of all of the business meetings, social service meetings and outings and fellowship events, we have on record that the average number of meetings or events attended by each member in this biennium is 21. This is a very good level of participation in view of the heavy commitments of most of our members both socially and business wise.

In order to encourage members to attend business meetings as well as getting involved in social service projects, each attendance in these meetings and events was given a score of 1 point while attendance in fellowship’s events was given a score of half point. The highest three scores achieved by members for this biennium other than the President (44.25) were 38 (Teresa Lin), 36 (Patricia Yeung) and 35.5 (Beatrice Wen). To show our appreciation to these members for their generous support, a souvenir will be presented to each at the installation ceremony for next biennium. The committee is very positive that this trend will continue as the Zontian spirit among members is still running high.