The six Zonta clubs in Hong Kong, under the leadership of our International Director Kathleen Yip, Area 2 Director Carrie Yuen and Vice-Director Betty Tsui, have joined forces and carried out a number of large-scale, territory-wide projects to enhance the status of women, serve our communities, strengthen the image of the Zonta clubs and Zontians.
1. Zonta Radio Programme
Zonta clubs in Hong Kong funded and co-produced a weekly radio programme with Metro Broadcast. The programme consists of a series of 13-episodes of 90 minutes duration, covering a wide range of interests and concerns to women. The programme was broadcasted every Tuesday evening on Metro Showbiz from November 2003 to February 2004. To get more bangs for the buck, a condensed 1-hour version of the 13-episodes was re-run at Metro Finance, a popular morning programme from March 2004 onwards.
The following topics were chosen:
l Child care and development / taking care of teenagers
l Taking care of aging parents, loneliness and workplace survival
l Enhancing social skills for single women
l Menopause
l Aging gracefully and lifetime learning
l Female sickness
Each Zonta club was responsible for one topic. Zontians from various professions took part in the discussions and exchanges with the programme host (the popular DJ Gary Ngan) and the callers. Fellow Zontian Jackie Ma and Angela Ng, together with Dr. Lee Siu Wah took up the topics “Taking Care of Aging Parents” and “Loneliness and Workplace Survival”. Feedback on the programme was once again very favourable.
2. Zonta Health Ambassadors Programme
Following the very successful and award-winning Zonta Health Van Project (2001-2003), Zonta Clubs in Hong Kong is prepared to launch the second phase of the project “Zonta Health Ambassadors” in May 2004. The original breast cancer and women’s health awareness programme focused on educating the general public. In phase two, the programme is extended to target female teenagers and young women in schools, covering 12 secondary schools and 6 universities in the coming 18 months. Our Golden Z and Z Club members will be trained to man the Health Booth and disseminate health and hygiene messages to the young women.
3. Legislative Awareness Workshop
To promote a better understanding of the law making process in Hong Kong, the Zonta clubs in Hong Kong sponsored a “Workshop on Legislative Process” for our Golden Z and Z Clubs at the Legislative Council Building in November 2003, and again in May 2004. Members participated in a mock Legislative Council meeting for the passage of a bill. Members were guided through the entire law making process with active role plays and scripts.
Our Z Club members from Yau Tze Tin Memorial College and Wesley College participated in the May workshop.