Representing the Club, President Tina Kwan attended the 15th Zonta International District 17 Conference held at Bangkok, Thailand from 17-21 September, 2009. Through business sessions, workshops and fellowship activities with fellow Zontians from the District, we worked together towards the Zonta mission and the Conference theme on ‘Action for a Better World’. Hong Kong Zontian Winnie Teoh was elected Lieutenant Governor District 17 and Vicki Chan was elected Vice Area 2 Director for the biennium 2010-2012.
The opening ceremony was a night full of cultural glamours as Zontians donned with their spectacular National dress and the flag parade with the Royal Thai Navy. Keynote speeches of HRH Princess Srirasmi and International President Beryl Sten inspired everyone at the dinner.
At the closing ceremony, delegates from Area 2 performed a song ‘月亮代表我的心’ and fellow Zontian Kitty Chan performed a piano recital. The performance received great applause from the audience.