Report from Programme Committee (2016-2018)
Co-chairs: Janice Choi, Wai Sum Wong
In the past two years, after the installation in 2016, there were 10 talks organized by the Programme Committee on a wide range of topics. Details are as follows:
2 Aug 2016
Speaker: Ms Cammie Leung, Superintendent of Learning Service Division, HK Police College
Topic: Emotional Fitness Training of Police Officers
4 Oct 2016
Speaker: Mr. Yeung Chun Tong, Director, Sun Museum, and former Director of the University
Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
Topic: Reflections on Culinary Practices and Chinese Culture
6 Dec 2016
Speaker: Ms Nancy Ip, Dean of Science at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Topic: Innovative Approaches to Developing Effective Alzheimer’s Treatments
7 Feb 2017
Speaker: Mr. Bernard Chan, GBS, JP Hong Kong Deputy of National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China and Convenor of Executive Council of Hong Kong SAR
Topic: Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food
7 Mar 2017
Speaker: Mr. Eric Cheung Tat Ming of HKU and Senior Superintendent Wyman Lee of Hong Kong Police (for Advocacy project)
Topic: Sharing of Insights on Law Reform Commission Consultation – Sexual Offences involving Children and Persons with Mental Impairment
11 Apr 2017
Speaker: Ms. Anna Kwong, MH, Council Member of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Past President of The HK Institute of Architects (2009-2010 Biennium)
Topic: I add nothing and I take away nothing
6 Jun 2017
Speaker: Ms. Mowana Tse, Founding member of Zonta Club NT and Director of Mowana Design House Ltd
Topic: Lifetime Career in Fashion Design and Production
5 Oct 2017
Speaker: Mr. Clifton Ko Chi Sum, MH, Hong Kong film director
Topic: Hong Kong Performing Arts Development and Prospects
Feb 2018
Speaker: Mr. Ronny Tong SC, Convenor of Path of Democracy
Topic: Co-location arrangement of the Express Railway
8 May 2018
Speaker: Ms. Grace Choi, Founder of Yi-Ming
Topic: Cheongsam