
Report from Legal Affairs Committee (2016-2018)

Co-chairs: Yvonne Chua, Christina Hung

At the instigation of our Board under the leadership of our President, our Club made an unprecedented decision right at the commencement of the 2016-2018 Biennium to formulate Terms of Reference (TOR) for each of our core Committees as clear guidance of their work for this Biennium.

The Legal Affairs Committee was entrusted with this important task. To do it structurally, the Committee has reviewed all Manuals/By-laws/Biennial Goals at Zonta International/District/Area/our club levels as relevant to the work of the respective Committee, including the following:-

• Biennial Goals 2016-2018 of Zonta International District 17

• Matrix 2016-2018 Biennial Goals of Zonta International

• Zonta International Manual and By-laws

• Zonta District Manual

• Amended Rules of Procedure of District 17

• Zonta Club Manual

• Zonta International Z and Golden Z Club Manual

• 2014-2016 Marian de Forest Membership Manual

• Membership Plan 2016-2018 of District 17

• By-laws of Zonta Club of the New Territories

Each of the TOR was then carefully drafted, considered by the respective Committee Co-chairs and then the Board before each was formally approved by the Board and our members at our meetings and then put to implementation. The TOR set out:-

1. The key responsibilities of the Committee (as guided by the Manuals, By-laws and biannual


2. Targeted work for the 2016-2018 biennium, and

3. Responsibilities of Committee members.

We are pleased to report that TOR were respectively completed for the following Committees:-

1. Social Services Committee;

2. Fund Raising Committee;

3. Membership Committee;

4. Advocacy Committee;

5. Z and Golden Z Club Committee.

All of the above Committees have fully attended to the TOR as set for them during the Biennium and concluded their work accordingly much to the satisfaction of our board and members.

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